Apple Health coverage provides ‘grandfamily’ increased security and peace of mind Izaak, a 12-year-old middle school student in Spokane, loves to travel and has often told his grandmother, Sandra, he wants t...
Shining a spotlight on HCA’s sign language interpreter services When Washington Apple Health (Medicaid) providers offer care to patients who use sign language to communicate, they partner w...
Enjoying retirement in good health, through Apple Health. When Cassandra arrived in Washington for her retirement, she was glad to be away from the cold weather of Alaska and be close...
Making health a priority through routine care and life planning Going through the COVID-19 pandemic without insurance and stable housing, Gregory was unable to prioritize his health. Not on...
Client receives long awaited health treatments after being unemployed John used to be covered under his employer’s health insurance. When the COVID-19 pandemic began, he lost his employment and s...
Family receives routine care visits with no financial stress Not having health insurance was a stressor for Gloria and her family. Her health insurance was not consistent and depended on...
Telehealth services increase equitable outcomes There aren’t many providers who specialize in assistive communication technology like Donna Cole Wilson. The Seattle-based sp...
Parent feels secure with Apple Health coverage during unexpected life changes Before Apple Health (Medicaid), Bella didn’t view herself as someone who would get sick and need to worry about health insura...
Apple Health customer services team works together to help client access dental services When clients and providers connect with Washington Apple Health (Medicaid) customer service, trained staff are there to answe...
Apple Health saved us money and helped build our business Tara’s family loves the outdoors and all things Northwest. Staying healthy and safe is always on her mind, especially with a ...
Covered so she can care for herself and others In the past year, Amy learned no matter your job or how well you plan, you never know when you’ll need extra help. “I couldn’...
The greatest gift is medical coverage for you and your family When Elizabeth and her family moved to Washington, their first jobs didn’t provide medical insurance and they weren’t sure ho...
Health coverage provides whole-person care for family Zenneth and her family love to garden. Spending time outdoors improves her family’s health and mental well-being. She shared,...
Services you need, when you need it the most Val is a conservationist and animal lover; even getting her master’s degree in environmental science. After graduation in 201...
Road to recovery found through supported employment After many years of living with untreated mental health conditions, Tiffany developed a substance use disorder as a means of ...
Family is covered when the unexpected happens Nicole and her wife were without health insurance when they got married. Young and healthy, they didn’t realize how quickly t...
Pregnant mother finds comfort during uncertain times Expecting their second child, Angela and her family were living in an area with limited access to medical care. Not only was ...
Apple Health client inspired to help others access health coverage Ronni, mother of six, knows what it’s like to not be able to afford the resources her family needs. When she lost her income ...
Apple Health supported client while searching for job The following story was submitted by Frank Sikorski, a Washington Apple Health (Medicaid) client who was laid off from his jo...
Facing high diabetes treatment costs, Apple Health (Medicaid) saves the day When Jamie was 24, she found out she was diabetic. The news sent her into a panic.
Telehealth helps a mother connect with her child during pandemic A single mom of six kids living in Ephrata, Penny, has experienced one health crisis after another. Despite these challenges ...
Foster parent helps kids get overdue medical care through Apple Health Megan has been a foster parent in the Olympia area for several years, her home being a known safe place for social workers to...
After accident, hiker gets the care she needs through Apple Health While in college in 2014, Kayleigh went hiking with a friend with the ambitious goal of summiting an 11,000 foot mountain in ...
Apple Health worker helps ease financial worries of new mother When Ashley learned she was pregnant with her second child, she was excited but also worried. Though she had insurance, it co...