Izaak, a 12-year-old middle school student in Spokane, loves to travel and has often told his grandmother, Sandra, he wants to be a flight attendant when he gets older.

“He’s a sweet kid,” Sandra says of Izaak, who has been an Apple Health (Medicaid) client since she legally adopted him nine years ago. As a former store manager at a warehouse in Clarkston, Washington, Sandra had planned to continue working for at least a few more years. When Izaak’s father died at an early age and the child’s mother was unable to care for him, Sandra stepped in to be his guardian.

“He needed more of me than I could give him when I was working. So, I retired,” says Sandra, now 76. “I got custody of him. He has spent much of his life with me. I’m a lucky grandma.”

Izaak is on the autism spectrum and has a condition known as Tourette’s Syndrome, a neurological disorder characterized by repetitive, sudden, and involuntary movements or vocalizations called tics. He also has learning disabilities and at times struggles with anxiety and depression, for which he takes medication.

Before Izaak enrolled in Apple Health, Sandra says she was constantly juggling bills, necessities such as food and rent, not to mention his medical costs. “It was a nightmare,” Sandra says. “A couple of times he got sick, and I had to pay the doctor to see him. They wouldn’t see you if you didn’t have insurance or cash to pay. It was scary.”

Looking back, Sandra said she lived in a constant state of fear about Izaak’s health and her family’s future. “I was terrified he’d get something awful and end up in the hospital or something,” Sandra explains. “I couldn’t take him for check-ups, and I couldn’t take him to the dentist. It was money I didn’t have. I was retired and living on Social Security and a small pension.”

Within a year of legally adopting Izaak, Sandra was able to get him enrolled in Apple Health. She credits the program with providing an invaluable sense of security and peace of mind. “It makes a difference because I don’t have to worry,” Sandra says. “I know that if he gets sick, I can take him to the doctor. I know if he needs medicine, I can get him his medicine. It’s one less thing I need to worry about right now. If kids aren’t healthy, they can’t learn.”

Since helping Izaak get enrolled in Apple Health, Sandra says she has made a point of sharing their experiences in the program with other area families who might find themselves in similar circumstances. In addition to the financial breathing room that Apple Health has given her family, Sandra says the program has offered convenience and flexibility, giving kids like Izaak a chance to grow up as healthy as possible and pursue their dreams.

“I have come across an awful lot of grandparents that are raising children,” Sandra says. “Not everybody understands how important Apple Health is to families.”

Apple Health covers physical and behavioral health services for individuals, families, and children like Izaak. Take the first step in determining whether Apple Health is right for you by visiting hca.wa.gov/apple-health. To learn how to apply, view eligibility requirements, and see what services are covered.

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