The REL project: Expanding our PEBB and SEBB demographic data When someone begins working for the state of Washington, a school district, or participating employer group, they fill out th...
Shining a spotlight on HCA’s sign language interpreter services When Washington Apple Health (Medicaid) providers offer care to patients who use sign language to communicate, they partner w...
Equity in hiring and recruiting I’m Robin Vazquez. I use she/her pronouns, and I’m the Employee Resources Division (ERD) director at the Health Care Authorit...
Nurses can advance health equity in Washington state Health Care Authority (HCA) has partnered with the Washington Center for Nursing (WCN) to create the following health equity ...
The Art of Health Equity Black History Month is an opportunity to spotlight and celebrate the achievements that African Americans have accomplished in...
Black Infant Health program supports parents and healthier babies The Black Infant Health (BIH) program focuses on improving the health of Black and African American individuals and their bab...
Shared decision making If you speak with your health care provider, do you have a chance to ask questions? Do they listen to your needs and concerns...
Plain language Plain language is our state’s effort to use clear, direct language in how we communicate with the public. When a document use...