Benefits 24/7 launched in January and replaced PEBB My Account and SEBB My Account. You can use it to access your PEBB and SEBB benefits anytime.

Benefits 24/7 is there when you need it, such as when you have a change in employment or when you experience a life event (for example, getting married or the birth of a child).

We encourage you to use Benefits 24/7. However, it is not required. Paper forms will continue to be available to make changes to your benefits.

Note: Pierce County, WSU, and UW employees can use Benefits 24/7 to enroll in or defer PEBB retiree insurance coverage. For all other changes, continue to use Workday.

Set up your account

Create a login for Benefits 24/7 using SecureAccess Washington (SAW). If you already have a SAW account, you don’t need to create a new one.

Familiarize yourself with Benefits 24/7 before open enrollment. Visit Benefits 24/7 to get started.

Welcoming a new member to your family?

When you welcome a new member to your family, through birth, adoption, or marriage, use Benefits 24/7 to add them to your coverage. This type of life event is called a special open enrollment (SOE).

You have 60 days to add your dependent and provide verification documents. If adding them during or around open enrollment, make sure to add them as an SOE change, not as an open enrollment change, so their coverage is effective as soon as the SOE change allows. Open enrollment changes do not go into effect until January 1 of the following year, which may delay coverage for your dependent.

Tips to make changes to your coverage a smooth experience

  • Your newborn is automatically covered under your medical plan for the first two weeks after birth. After that, you need to add them as a dependent on your insurance for their coverage to continue.
  • Add your dependent to your coverage as early as possible. If you do not add them and provide verification documents within 60 days, you will lose your opportunity to enroll them on your coverage until the next open enrollment.
  • Check your mail and email regularly until you receive confirmation that your new family member is enrolled in coverage. More information may be required.
  • If you need help, employees should contact their payroll or benefits office and retirees and continuation coverage subscribers should contact the PEBB or SEBB Program.

Visit HCA's website, select your member type, and then select Verify and enroll my dependents for more information.

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