V. Wiss uses massage and wellness benefits to counteract stress and live a healthy life.
"This year my benefits have helped me do several things. First, in this continued time of high stress, the SmartHealth program has reminded me to make and keep a bedtime routine. This has been integral to maintaining my wellbeing each day. Second, my insurance benefits cover massage for anxiety and depression. As life continues to bring the unexpected (my car had serious repairs recently and my water heater started leaking a while back and I've had no hot water and a restoration crew drying out my home for the last 2 weeks) my wellbeing massages and the time to "just be" during those massages has made a massive impact. Between the wellbeing massages and the bedtime routine, my stress levels are manageable. Finally, a dear friend who is younger than me was diagnosed with metastatic colorectal cancer in January. Thanks to my benefits, I was able to get a routine checkup colonoscopy. The doctor found two polyps and removed them, ensuring my continued good health. I am so grateful for fantastic health benefits that focus on body, mind, and spirit!"