Evergreen Bright Start transforms lives for young adults in Bremerton Evergreen Bright Start in Bremerton is opening a new door for young adults transitioning out of foster care or grappling with...
When a provider leaves a plan’s network Get the inside scoop on how provider network negotiations work.
Apple Health coverage provides ‘grandfamily’ increased security and peace of mind Izaak, a 12-year-old middle school student in Spokane, loves to travel and has often told his grandmother, Sandra, he wants t...
Enjoying retirement in good health, through Apple Health. When Cassandra arrived in Washington for her retirement, she was glad to be away from the cold weather of Alaska and be close...
Making health a priority through routine care and life planning Going through the COVID-19 pandemic without insurance and stable housing, Gregory was unable to prioritize his health. Not on...
Evergreen Bright Start transforms lives for young adults in Bremerton Evergreen Bright Start in Bremerton is opening a new door for young adults transitioning out of foster care or grappling with...
Starts with One equips providers with safe opioid use educational materials Arbor Health Hospital uses Starts with One campaign materials to prevent opioid misuse.
Certified peer helps individuals find and keep housing Terry Britt helps individuals find and maintain stable housing through the Housing and Recovery Through Peer Services (HARPS)...
The REL project: Expanding our PEBB and SEBB demographic data When someone begins working for the state of Washington, a school district, or participating employer group, they fill out th...
Equity in hiring and recruiting I’m Robin Vazquez. I use she/her pronouns, and I’m the Employee Resources Division (ERD) director at the Health Care Authorit...
Employee benefits cover children in Washington and beyond Korie shares how her PEBB benefits give her peace of mind that her children are covered even outside of Washington.
A fall while camping leads to cause of digestive issues Michele D Brown overcomes cancer to continue living life to the fullest.
Taking steps forward with PEBB health benefits Marie G. used her PEBB health benefits to improve her mobility and manage her pain.
When a provider leaves a plan’s network Get the inside scoop on how provider network negotiations work.
Prioritizing mental health and combatting loneliness Valuable insights and practical tips to help you in retirement
An unexpected visit to a clinic leads to a serious heart diagnosis “One day I was having trouble breathing. I took a COVID test and it was negative. I called the Kaiser consulting nurse who to...
The importance of mindfulness "I started my mindfulness journey at the beginning of the year." - Rebecca Wenrich, SEBB employee
Why an FSA makes sense for my family “The flexible spending account really saves our family when it comes to paying our medical and dental bills!" - Audrey, SEBB ...